Description of the Lexonis TalentScape service
Description of the Lexonis TalentScape service
The Lexonis TalentScape software service is based on a platform that Lexonis may modify for a particular client. The platform has a number of features that together provide the “Service”. These features may be enabled or disabled for a particular client and additional features and functionality may also be defined, however, the core platform remains consistent.
This schedule begins with a description of the data processing activities in relation to any subscription agreement for the Lexonis TalentScape service.
Description of the Data Processing Activities for the Lexonis TalentScape service
Categories of data subjects whose personal data is transferred
- Customer employees or contractors (including those of their authorised members, if applicable to customer as set out in a Subscription Agreement)
- Prospective employees or contractors (including those of their authorised members, if applicable to customer as set out in a Subscription Agreement)
Categories of personal data transferred
- Email Address
- Full Name
- IP Address
- Manager Name
- Job Name
- Competency Assessments
In addition to the above, a customer may use the service to process professional or employment-related information. This is entirely optional and at customer’s discretion. Lexonis does not require such data to operate the service.
Lexonis will not process any protected characteristic data, sensitive data, biometric data, commercial data, sensory data, non-public educational data or geolocation data. Nor does it draw any inferences from any data. Customers must not use the service to process any such data.
The frequency of the transfer
On a continuous basis for the duration of a Subscription Agreement.
Nature of the processing
Performance of services based on a Subscription Agreement.
Purpose(s) of the data transfer and further processing
Lexonis will process personal data as necessary to perform the services pursuant to a Subscription Agreement, and as further instructed by customer in its use of the service.
The period for which the personal data will be retained, or, the criteria used to determine that period
Lexonis will process personal data for the duration of a Subscription Agreement, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.
1. Architecture
1.1. The Service is an online, cloud-based service accessible by any modern web browser.
1.2. Access is restricted to authenticated users.
1.3. Access to functionality is role-based and managed by an authenticated administrator.
1.4. All passwords are salted and hashed.
1.5. The Service supports multiple languages.
2. Competency Management
2.1. The Service provides a flexible tool to manage, review and deploy competency frameworks (also known as skill frameworks) within an organisation or membership body.
2.2. The Service allows additional attributes to be associated with the competencies in order to extend the applicability and benefits that can be gained from the framework.
2.3. The Service provides different ways of interacting with the framework and associated attributes.
2.4. The Service supports the definition of job role profiles, teams and positions in order to define the competencies for each job in an organisation or to allow membership bodies to provide functionality for their members.
3. Competency-based Functionality
3.1. The service provides various competency-based features, including;
3.1.1. Competency Frameworks
3.1.2. Job Role Profile View
3.1.3. Job Role Profile Comparison
3.1.4. Employee Career Planning
3.1.5. Interview Guides
3.1.6. Career Development Activities
3.1.7. Coaching Tips
3.1.8. Learning Solutions
4. Assessment and Validation
4.1. The Service provides flexible approaches that allow users to assess their competencies by referring to the framework and self-assessing their competency level.
4.2. The Service allows users to provide evidence that supports their assessment.
4.3. The Service provides flexible approaches to the validation of a user’s assessment by their manager or by a nominated third-party.
5. Gap Analysis
5.1. The Service reviews the levels assessed by an individual and compares those levels to the levels required by the user’s job role profile and provides competency gap analysis for the user and the organisation.
5.2. The Service provides suggested interventions that map competency gaps to learning solutions.
6. Reporting
6.1. The Service provides a number of online and offline reports that can be restricted based on the user’s permission. These report formats include;
6.1.1. Adobe PDF
6.1.2. Microsoft Excel
6.1.3. CSV
7. Administration Functions
7.1. The service provides a number of tools and interfaces which can be used to add and modify content, including:
7.1.1. Add and modify competencies and competency frameworks
7.1.2. Add and modify job role profiles and job families
7.1.3. Map competencies to job role profiles
7.1.4. Add learning assets and map them to competencies
7.1.5. Add single data items or bulk insert job, competency and learning data
7.1.6. Add and manage user accounts
7.1.7. Assign permissions to the client’s authorized administrators