
Write More Effective Job Descriptions

Are your job descriptions a confusing maze of different formats and outdated information? Does updating and standardizing them feel like herding cats?

Taking a skills-based approach to writing job descriptions can provide the rigor and consistency you need. This method streamlines the process of updating your organization’s job architecture and serves as a solid foundation for a successful talent management strategy. With clear, skills-focused job descriptions, you can more effectively attract, evaluate and manage talent, ensuring alignment with your organization’s goals and needs.

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Lexonis Skills-Based Job Descriptions Are a Model For Successful Job Performance

The quality of a job description plays a pivotal role in attracting the right candidates. When job descriptions are vague or outdated, they can attract unsuitable candidates, leading to the need for frequent revisions. 

Furthermore, with skill profiles at their core, skills-based job descriptions set the stage for improved performance, engagement and a robust talent management strategy.

  • For employees, they establish what is required of them, how their contributions align with organizational goals and provide a roadmap for development and career progression.
  • For managers, they provide tangible, measurable criteria to assess, manage and improve performance.
  • For the HR team, they set the foundation for talent management.

Accelerate Your Journey To Skills-Based Job Descriptions

With the help of Lexonis’ skills frameworks, job profile libraries and AI-enabled platform you can:

  • Standardize Skills Language: Establish a consistent organizational language for skill definitions and proficiency levels using a comprehensive skills taxonomy.
  • Jumpstart Creation: Accelerate the job description creation process by starting with thousands of  ready-to-use job profile templates.
  • Simplify Stakeholder Feedback: Capture  expert review and feedback  with user-friendly interfaces, making it easier to get stakeholder buy-in and refine job descriptions.
  • Stay Up-To-Date With AI:  Use AI to create new skill definitions and job profiles while keeping your existing ones up-to-date; ensuring that they evolve with industry trends as well as organizational needs.

Calibrate Skills Across Roles

Built on a foundation of almost 30 years experience in talent optimization, the Lexonis team provide you with the tools and insights needed to:

  • Ensure Consistency: Standardize job descriptions across your organization with a unified skills framework.
  • Leverage AI: Utilize AI-powered tools to speed up the process of  continuous improvement and alignment with industry trends
  • Enhance Talent Management: Drive effective talent management with precise and up-to-date skills-based job profiles that meet organizational needs.