

Creating Skills-based Job Descriptions: Why They Are Important and How to Get Them Right

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20th June 2024


16:00 BST/10:00 CST


Andy Andrews

Steve Lowenthal

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Organizations across industry sectors struggle with attracting the best talent but also retaining that talent amidst the prospect of enticing career opportunities. It’s a challenge that underscores the critical role of developing consistent, high-quality job descriptions that resonate with candidates and existing employees.

Join us for a webinar that will guide you through the process of streamlining and enhancing your job descriptions using a skills-based approach. You will learn why job descriptions are the key to a successful talent management strategy, the common pitfalls to avoid and how AI-enabled tools used responsibly, can help you get it right.

This session is designed for HR professionals, hiring managers, and organizational leaders looking to adopt a standardized, skills-based approach to job descriptions.

We will consider:
·     Why job descriptions are the foundation of a successful talent management strategy.
·     Writing job descriptions – why organizations consistently struggle.
·     The top common but avoidable mistakes when writing job descriptions.
·     The business benefits of using skills to define your jobs and job architecture.

The Presenters

Andy Andrews

Andy Andrews is a Director and Principal Consultant at Lexonis and has gained a wealth of experience by helping many notable public and private sector organisations to successfully implement skill and competency management programs.

Steve Lowenthal

Steve is the former US CEO of Kineo and has more than 20 years of experience in learning technology. Steve is currently working with Lexonis to expand their presence in the US market.