
Unlock the Potential of Your Workforce

Is your organization struggling to develop a cohesive skills strategy because you don’t know which skills your workforce already has and which gaps need to be closed? 

Assessing skills across an organization can feel like pushing a rock up a hill, often derailed by the sheer scale of the effort, lack of objective criteria, confusing processes and other factors.

That’s why we created the Lexonis skills intelligence platform. Our solution helps you overcome these challenges, providing the tools and insights needed to accurately assess, identify and close skill gaps.

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Assess Skills Across Your Organization

When employers need employees to upskill to meet the demands of future roles, there is clearly an urgent need for targeted skills development, highlighting the importance of precise skills evaluation in the hiring process.

Having a skills ontology that identifies a litany of skills isn’t enough. To close its skill gaps, an organization needs deep insight into which skills are required, at what proficiency level and whether they are held by the organization at all.

The Lexonis skills intelligence platform integrates robust skills frameworks, scaleable skill assessment tools and powerful analytics to help organizations to target and close their skills gaps.

Uncover Your Experts

  • Identify Critical Skills Across Roles: Begin by defining the essential skills needed for each role with your organization. This involves understanding the specific competencies that drive success in various positions, whether they’re technical, managerial, or interpersonal.
  • Conduct Efficient Employee Assessments: Capture evidence of employee skills through real-world examples, project outcomes, and experience. This ensures that your evaluations are grounded in objective data rather than subjective opinions.
  • Validate Self-Assessments with Manager and Stakeholder Input: Improve the accuracy of self-assessments by using feedback from managers, peers and other stakeholders. This validation process promotes employee engagement and fosters a culture of transparency and continuous improvement.
  • Leverage Detailed Employee Competency Reports: Use in-depth competency reports to gain insights into each individual’s strengths, areas for development, career growth opportunities and potential learning solutions. 
  • Perform Workforce Capability and Gap Analysis: Conduct an organizational capability and gap analysis to identify where your workforce excels and where there are deficiencies. This analysis helps you pinpoint skill shortages, plan targeted upskilling initiatives, and strategically align talent with business needs.

Optimize Your Workforce’s Potential With Lexonis

With a proven track record of helping industries across all sectors worldwide, let us help you transform how you understand and utilize your workforce’s skills with our intuitive platform.

  • Develop Comprehensive Job Skills Profiles: Build detailed profiles for each role, defining essential skills and proficiency levels. Lexonis offers complete skills frameworks and dynamic job competency profiles to ensure you capture and make the most of critical abilities effectively.
  • Implement Accurate Skills Assessments: Use our advanced tools for precise and scalable skills assessments. Capture real-world evidence of employee capabilities, ensuring that your evaluations are both comprehensive and objective.
  • Gain Insights with Powerful Analytics: Harness our platform’s powerful analytics to conduct deep dives into workforce capabilities. Perform detailed skill gap analyses and identify areas for targeted development and strategic talent alignment.
  • Drive Effective Talent Management: Use our integrated insights to enhance talent management practices. Leverage detailed competency reports and actionable data to make informed decisions on career development, upskilling initiatives, and succession planning.